If you are planning to breastfeed your baby it is a good idea to do your research first. Before having a baby, the focus is very much on the birth and less thought is put into when the baby is actually here. Many mums assume breastfeeding will come naturally, but it is a skill that a mother has to master with her baby. It can be challenging in the early days and its normal for some mums to take a little while to feel confident with it. .
Many new mums face challenges with breastfeeding, especially after a long or difficult birth, after having a c-section or if either mum or baby were not well after birth and were separated. Even if you aren’t able to initiate breastfeeding right away for whatever reason, you can still protect your milk supply and establish a strong breastfeeding relationship with your baby by pumping your breast milk as soon as possible after birth. This will get your milk supply started and ensure a good supply for your baby.
You may have made the decision to feed your baby formula milk. Baby formula is the only safe alternative to breastmilk until your baby is 12 months old. It is usually made from cows' milk that has been treated to make it more suitable for babies to be able to digest. All baby formula also has added vitamins, minerals and fats that babies need, which they can’t get from normal cow’s milk.
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